International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology (IJESTY) ISSN 2775-2674 (online) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal. The journal aims to provide a global forum for researchers, professionals, scientists, and engineers on all topics related to applied engineering, applied science, and information technology for the sharing, exchanging, and disseminating theoretical of current research results, experience, and perspectives across a wide range of engineering, science and information technology.
The International Journal of Engineering, Science, and Information Technology (IJESTY) publishes the latest research results in the Engineering, Science, and Information Technology fields. First published in 2021. Issued with a quarterly frequency of January, April, July, and November.
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Call for Paper 2025 |
Dear Researchers, Professionals, Scientists and Engineers We invite you to submit a manuscript of the latest research results to be published in the International Journal of Engineering, Science, and Information Technology (IJESTY). IJESTY received manuscripts from various countries in the world that have high quality on all topics related to the fields of Engineering, Science, and Information Technology. First published for Volume 1 Issue 1, in January 2021. Publishing schedule with a frequency of 4 times a year, January, April, July, and November. Papers must be written in English and follow Author Guidelines for the initial review stage by editors and further review process by reviewers. Please see Author's Guidelines here Deadlines for papers submission: FOR VOLUME 5, Year 2025 For Publish Vol. 5 No. 1, 20 January 2025, submission DEADLINE: 10 January 2025 ---> (Open Submission) For Publish Vol. 4 No. 2, 20 April 2025, submission DEADLINE: 10 March 2025 --->(Open Submission) For Publish Vol. 4 No. 3, 20 July 2025, submission DEADLINE: 10 May 2025 --->(Open Submission) For Publish Vol. 4 No. 4, 20 November 2025, submission DEADLINE: 15 September 2025 --->(Open Submission) Please submit your paper through ONLINE SUBMISSION If any problems, please send your manuscript to email: Best regards IJESTY Editorial Team |
Posted: 2024-01-12 | More... |
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Vol 5, No 1 (2025)
Table of Contents
Performance and Capacity Analysis of Pabringan Road in The City of Yogyakarta
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.612
Kemmala Dewi, Alif Lombardoaji Sidiq, Achmad Nasirun
Comparison of Rigid Pavement Planning Using PD T-14-2003 and NAASRA 1987 Methods in Industrial Areas
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.613
Aris Krisdiyanto, Kemmala Dewi, Faruk Azis
The Role of Principal Leadership Management as a Driving Force in Implementing the Independent Curriculum Using AI
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.623
Sri Yuni, Saryanto Saryanto, Rejokirono Rejokirono
News Popularity Prediction in West Sumatera Using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.615
Ansharulhaq Aminsyah, Nurdin Nurdin, Zara Yunizar
The Use of Constructivist Learning Theory in Ki Hadjar Dewantara System Through Tut Wuri Handayani in Merdeka Curriculum
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.624
Christina Nalle, Saryanto Saryanto, Rejokirono Rejokirono
Utilization of Artificial Intelligence in Strengthening the Pancasila Student Profile Project Integrated with STEM
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.625
Agnes Deta Waluyaningtyas, Saryanto Saryanto, Rejokirono Rejokirono
Exploring The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Library Management at Public Primary School
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.626
Dwi Makarti Amrih Lestari, Saryanto Saryanto, Rejokirono Rejokirono
Implementation of Committee Partnerships on AI-Based School Policies at Public Junior High School
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.627
Tri Mulatiwi, Didi Supriadi, Rahmat Mulyanto
Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Technology-Based Learning Media at SD Negeri Kotagede 1 Yogyakarta
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.628
Femi Femi, Didi Supriadi
Dwi Retnowati, Rahmat Mulyanto, Sri Purnami
Student Literacy Through Library Visits and Gemini AI Programs at SD Negeri Potrobangsan 2
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.631
Yarmini Yarmini, Didi Supriadi, Sri Purnami
Using Quizizz as an Interactive Learning Media to Improve Cognitive Values in Elementary School Students
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.637
Arlina Yuli Narawati, Didi Supriadi, Rahmat Mulyanto
Development of Plastic Shredder Technology to Support Plastic Waste Reduction
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.643
Harjuma Harjuma, Abdul Tahir, Sirama Sirama, Aswar Aswar
Comparison of Bored Pile Capacity Based on Analytical Design and Pile Load Test – A Case Study
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.659
Karina Meilawati Eka Putri, Aulia Dewi Fatikasari, Hendrata Wibisana
Effect of Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Oxide on the Hydration Characteristics and Compressive Strength of Cement Mortar with High Volume Fly Ash
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.648
Maizuar Maizuar, Emi Maulani, Nura Usrina, Nanda Savira Ersa, Sofyan Sofyan, Ash Shiddiq Mahmudy, Gigih Prasetia
Performance Analysis of SVM and Linear Regression for Predicting Tourist Visits in North Sumatera
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.667
Andriyan Ginting, Nurdin Nurdin, Cut Agusniar
Analysis of the Choice of Transportation Modes from Lhokseumawe City to Medan City Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process Method
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.675
Muhammad Afdal, Teuku Muhammad Ridwan, Syibral Malasyi, Nanda Savira Ersa, Burhanuddin Burhanuddin, Fadhliani Fadhliani, Yovi Chandra
Analysis of Occupational Health and Safety Hazard Risk Using Hazard and Operability and Fault Tree Analysis Methods
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.676
Cindi Maharani, Amri Amri, Muhammad Sayuti
Predicting Electricity Consumption in Aceh Province Using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.678
Virza Gavinda, Nurdin Nurdin, Fajriana Fajriana
Comparative Analysis of Compressive Strength of Steel Tubing Pipe Welding Results Using SMAW and MIG Welding with 140A Current
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.644
Tengku Geby Prasetia, Muhammad Ariyon, Fitriani Fitriani, Alexander Sebayang, Efrata Tarigan
Comparative Analysis of Tensile Strength of Steel Tubing Pipe Welding Results Using SMAW and MIG Welding with 140A Current
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.645
Yuni Tri Aulia, Muhammad Ariyon, Fitriani Fitriani, Alexander Sebayang, Efrata Tarigan
UI/UX Design of Ruang Kajian Application Using Design Thinking Method
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.665
Anisya Khanza Afiatul Jannah Arum Kemangi, Abdul Rezha Efrat Najaf, Reisa Permatasari
Prediction of Plantation Crop Production Based on Environment Using Linear Regression and Single Exponential Smoothing Methods
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.669
Marlina Sari, Dahlan Abdullah, Maryana Maryana
Comparative Analysis of K-Means and K-Medoids to Determine Study Programs
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.673
Salamah Salamah, Dahlan Abdullah, Nurdin Nurdin
Application of K-Medoids Clustering Method on Disease Clustering Based on Patient Medical Records
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.679
Dian Fatika, Bustami Bustami, Yesy Afrillia
Plagiarism Detection Application for Computer Science Student Theses Using Cosine Similarity and Rabin-Karp
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.686
Taufik Habib Ansyari, Dahlan Abdullah, Lidya Rosnita
Learning of McDonald’s Operation Management & Consumer Behavior Analysis: A Qualitative Study
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.687
Irma M Nawangwulan, Samuel PD Anantadjaya, Timotius Agus Rachmat
Rifki Rahmanda Putra, Nono Rahmat Jaya, Adi Setiawan
Isolation and Fractionation of Lignin from Sugar Cane Bagasse (Saccharum Officinarum L.) as an Antioxidant
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v5i1.689
Shondang Tresia Marbun