Integration of Ethnopharmacology and One Health Approach for Rabies Control in Kualin, East Nusa Province

Muntasir Muntasir, Muhajirin Dean, Tadeus Andreas Lada Regaletha, Bernadeta Stien Julian Nabuasa, Chatrin Jansye Lenggu, Videl Apsi Oematan


The ethnopharmacological approach and One Health framework offer a novel perspective with significant potential in controlling rabies cases in East Nusa (NTT), Indonesia. Traditional medicines rooted in local knowledge can complement existing prevention and treatment strategies. This descriptive study involved 20 respondents to explore local practices related to rabies treatment. The findings indicate that integrating ethnopharmacological insights with the One Health approach can contribute significantly to rabies control, particularly in Kualin Subdistrict, South Central Timor Regency, NTT. The study identified local practices, analyzed their integration with modern medical interventions, and educated the community about rabies prevention. These results highlight the importance of incorporating ethnopharmacological knowledge into public health programs while promoting cross-sectoral collaboration in human, animal, and environmental Health. Further research is needed to evaluate the efficacy of medicinal plants used by the community. Additionally, developing community-based educational programs and strengthening collaborations between the government, non-governmental organizations, and local communities are crucial for creating effective and sustainable strategies for rabies control in NTT.


Ethnopharmacology, One Health, Rabies, Vaccination, Traditional Medicine

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Copyright (c) 2025 Muntasir, Muhajirin Dean, Tadeus Andreas Lada Regaletha, Bernadeta Stien Julian Nabuasa, Chatrin Jansye Lenggu, Videl Apsi Oematan

International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology (IJESTY) eISSN 2775-2674