Table of Contents
Application of the Internet of Things in Monitoring and Controlling Water Quality of Goldfish in Aquariums
Sabda Mahara, Zara Yunizar, Nunsina Nunsina
Analysis of Viral Load Values in PLHIV Receiving Peer Support During Six Months of Treatment
Muh. Yusuf Tahir, Muh. Taslim, Deni Wardani
The Role of Marketing Campaigns Through Social Media and Perceived Usefulness on Purchase Intention of Electric Vehicle
Hendra Hendra, Nurul Fadhilah, Indri Yani, Vivid Violin, Riesna Apramilda, Kushariyadi Kushariyadi
Integration of Ethnopharmacology and One Health Approach for Rabies Control in Kualin, East Nusa Province
Muntasir Muntasir, Muhajirin Dean, Tadeus Andreas Lada Regaletha, Bernadeta Stien Julian Nabuasa, Chatrin Jansye Lenggu, Videl Apsi Oematan
The Ability of Brand Image and Digital Promotion in Explaining Purchase Intention of Counterfeits Electronic Products
Kushariyadi Kushariyadi, Sukma Irdiana, Fahrina Mustafa, Sokid Sokid, Sugiarti Sugiarti
Lilis Novita, Wahyu Fuadi, Kurniawati Kurniawati
Analysis of Glyphosate Herbicide Residues in Coffee Plantations in Bener Meriah Regency
Dedi Suheri, Nasruddin Nasruddin, Ismadi Ismadi, Jamidi Jamidi, Baidhawi Baidhawi
Analysis of the Influence of Work Shifts on Employee Workload Using the NASA-TLX Methods
Daffa Firmansyah, Cut Ita Erliana, Muhammad Sayuti
Analysis of Systematic Studies in Research Mapping Entrepreneurs in the Metaverse Era
Uswatun Hasanah Dwi Putri, Chiandria Fitriyani, Adi Setiawan
Mapping Research Variables with the Big Theme Innovative Product New Universe
Ghefira Sabrina Salsabilla, Nova Nuraeni, Adi Setiawan
Raudya Tuzahwa Zahmaya, Dewi Santika, Adi Setiawan
Bibliometric Analysis in Mapping Research with the Central Theme of Digital Content Marketing
Shina Ulya Hasasi, Meiliana Panca Rani, Adi Setiawan
Navigating the Digital Micro Environment: A Bibliometric Analysis of Strategy Development Trends
Hariz Athhar Sutanto, Faizal Firmansah, Adi Setiawan
Design of Attendance System for Informatics Engineering Lecturers Using RFID Sensors Based on IoT and Telegram Applications
Andry Maulana Akbar, Wahyu Fuadi, Nunsina Nunsina
Formulation of Liquid Compound Fertilizer Enriched with Nutritional Elements for Shallot Plants on Inceptisol Reuleut Soil
Fahira Fahira, Halim Akbar, Ismadi Ismadi, Selvy Handayani, Laila Nazirah, Muliana Muliana
Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Weed Vegetation in Coffee Plantations in Bener Meriah Regency
Dewi Farahdiba, Baidhawi Baidhawi, Nasruddin Nasruddin, Laila Nazirah, Ismadi Ismadi
Devi Octavia, Cyntia Noor Zahara, Adi Setiawan, Agustina Agustina
Designing a Web-Based Information System for Monitoring Final Projects
Ferry Hariyanto, Thomas Budiman, Akmal Budi Yulianto, Verdi Yasin
The Effect of Aromatherapy on Reducing Anxiety in Pregnant Women with Emesis Gravidarum
Jumriani Jumriani, Erniawati Erniawati, Sumarni Sumarni, Nurbaety Nurbaety, Putri Yayu, Fitri Adriani
Web-based Rabies Disease Diagnosis Expert System with Forward Chaining and Dempster Shafer Methods
Junaidi Salat, Rasna Rasna, Muhammad Ichsan, Dahlan Abdullah, Seno Lamsir
The Incidence Rate and the Effects of Progressive Muscle Relaxation on Fatigue, Muscle Pain, and Sleep Quality Among Coffee Farmers
Yohana Jawe Loda, Jacob Matheos Ratu, Muntasir Muntasir
Implementation of Dijkstra and Ant Colony Algorithms for Web-based Shortest Route Search for LPG Gas Distribution
Rasna Rasna, Moh. Rahmat Irjii Matdoan, Nurlaela Kumala Dewi, Afferdhy Ariffien, Seno Lamsir
Weather Classification and Prediction on Imagery Using Boltzmann Machine
Rasna Rasna, Moh. Rahmat Irjii Matdoan, Junaidi Salat, Fitria J, Seno Lamsir
Dedy Rachmad Setiawardhana, Sinta Meiliana