Table of Contents
Grouping Sales Levels Smartphone Of Offline Store Using BIRCH Clustering Algorithm
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.558
Putri Dwi Rahmadani Sari, Mukti Qamal, Lidya Rosnita
Empowering Manager Performance: The Role of Heart Leadership in Boosting Job Satisfaction and Shaping Organizational Culture at PT Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero)
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.559
Darmansyah Siregar, Zulkarnain Lubis, Vivi Gusrini Rahmadani, Muhammad Reza Aulia, Mehaga Bastanta Sinulingga
Work Posture Analysis in The Chips Frying Section Using Workplace Ergonomic Risk Assessment Method
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.560
Tania Journal Tania, Cut Ita Erliana, Muhammad Zakaria
Determination of Total Phenolic Content of Ethanol Extract of Black Turmeric Rhizome (Curcuma caesia Roxb.) by Folin-Ciocalteu Method Spectrophotometrically
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.561
Zulfisa Zulfisa, Faizah Ulfa, Mhd Riza Marjoni
Application of Fuzzy Mamdani Method to Predict the Number of Blood Bags Based on Demand and Supply Data Using Matlab
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.567
Tiara Imelda Nasrul, Amri Amri, Muhammad Sayuti
Water Quality Monitoring and Control System for Tilapia Cultivation Based on Internet of Things
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.566
Lidya Rosnita, Muhammad Ikhwani, Hafizh Al Kautsar Aidilof, Salamah Salamah, Widia Hamsi, Haris Yunanda Rangkuti
Analysis of the Choice of Transportation Modes from Lhokseumawe City to Medan City Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process Method
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.568
Muhammad Afdal, Teuku Muhammad Ridwan, Syibral Malasyi, Nanda Savira Elsa, Yovi Chandra
Analysis of Organizational Culture in Improving the Performance of Educators and Educational Staff at Tanggamus Islamic Education College
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.569
Heri Kurniawan
Afrizal Zein, Christien Rozali
Comparison of Triple Exponential Smoothing and ARIMA in Predicting Cryptocurrency Prices
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.577
Adi Prasetyo, Nurdin Nurdin, Hafizh Al Kautsar Aidilof
Application of 360 Camera Technology and Excavator Operator Workload at a Nickel Ore Mine and Its Implication for Work Accident Rates Using the Nasa-TLX Method
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.584
Fadly Fadly, Jenni Ria Rajagukguk, Kartiko Eko Putranto, Suwanda Suwanda
Community Awareness and Participation for Land and Forest Fire Prevention and Implementation of Lancang Kuning Nusantara System Application in Toba District, North Sumatra Province
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.585
Stevi A. Rampengan, Herwanto Herwanto, Jenni Ria Rajagukguk, Suwanda Suwanda
Sentiment Analysis of Google Maps User Reviews on the Play Store Using Support Vector Machine and Latent Dirichlet Allocation Topic Modeling
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.580
Violita Aditya Zahrah, Nurdin Nurdin, Risawandi Risawandi
Sentiment Analysis of User Reviews on BSI Mobile and Action Mobile Applications on the Google Play Store Using Multinomial Naive Bayes Algorithm
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.581
Brucel Duta Samudera, Nurdin Nurdin, Hafizh Al Kautsar Aidilof
Analysis of the Implementation of Electronic Medical Records in Efficiency, Productivity, and Performance of Health Services at the Sriamur Bekasi Health Center with the Wellbeing Method
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.589
Himas W.D, Jenni Ria Rajagukguk, Ayub Muktiono
Sentiment Analysis of the MK Decision Trial of the Result of the 2024 President and Vice President General Election on Social Media X Using the Support Vector Machine Method
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.591
Aji Anggara, Nurdin Nurdin, Rini Meiyanti
Expert System For Diagnosis of Mental Health Disorders in Students Using Case-Based Reasoning Method With a Web-Based Positive Psychology Approach
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.592
Udurta Bancin, Bustami Bustami, Lidya Rosnita
Design and Testing of a Web-Based Student Information Management System
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.594
Johni S Pasaribu, Ilham S Argadikusuma
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Improving the Efficiency of the Company's Supply Chain
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.596
Muh Husein, Jenni Ria Rajagukguk, Kartiko Eko Putranto
Design of Web-Based Inventory Accounting Information System at PT XYZ
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.597
Resmi Ranti Rosalina, Riza Arifin, Johni S Pasaribu
Workload Measurement Using the Cardiovascular Load Method and Defense Research Agency Workload Scale
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.608
Dicky Kurniawan, Syarifah Akmal, Muhammad Sayuti
Jufriza Jufriza, Yulius Rief Alkhaly, Abdul Jalil
Information Technology Governance Using the COBIT 2019 Framework at PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Papua
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.609
Erienika Lompoliu, George Morris William Tangka
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Road Maintenance in Pidie Regency
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.610
Muhammad Yanis, Hamzani Hamzani, Yulius Rief Alkhaly
Information Technology Governance Analysis Using COBIT 2019 Framework at Bank Mandiri Girian Bitung Branch
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.642
Toetik Wulyatiningsih, Wilsen Grivin Mokodaser, Joe Yuan Mambu
Identification of Smart Environment Readiness in Realizing Smart City Kotamobagu
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.646
Wa Nini, Nuralfin Anripa, La Ode Alian, Muh Vikky Maulana
Creating a Sustainable Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Through Innovation in Education
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.647
Herlina Herlina, Wahira Wahira
Education Character in the Era of Globalization: Facing the Challenges of the Modern World
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.649
Herlina Herlina, Arismunandar Arismunandar, Ismail Tolla
Geographic Information System of Early Childhood School Mapping Using Android-Based Dijkstra Algorithm
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.650
Rasna Rasna, Moh Rahmat Irjii Matdoan, Lily Yuntina, Junaidi Salat, Eka Setiawati
Revitalization of Teba Space Design to Preserve Cultural and Environmental Sustainability in Traditional Balinese Houses
DOI : 10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.655
I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Kusuma Putra, Ni Made Emmi Nutrisia Dewi
Moh. Rahmat Irjii Matdoan, Rasna Rasna, Sahlan M Saleh, Andrian Sah, Seno Lamsir