Table of Contents
Analysis of The Influence of Economic Stability, Economic Growth and Level of Human Resource Readiness on Income Equality
Sukriyadi Sukriyadi, Filus Raraga, Jenni Veronika Br Ginting, Nurjanna Ladjin, Rio Haribowo
Analysis of The Influence of Import Volumes, Dynamics of Import Varieties, and Pricing Policies on Country's Foreign Exchange Growth
Muhammad Reza Aulia, Karnawi Kamar, Enny Diah Astuti, Iwan Henri Kusnadi, Parida Parida
Analysis of The Influence of Training and Capacity Development Programs on Improving Service Quality and Performance of Medical Personnel in Handling Patients
Andri Yunus, Alifah Wilanda, Wachyu Hari Haji, Abd. Rahman Alatas, Donny Dharmawan
Analysis of The Effect of Cultural Tourism Development, Accessibility and Economic Policy on Tourism Competitiveness in Indonesia
Ardiyanto Maksimilianus Gai, Tono Mahmudin, Vivid Violin, Ahmad Nur Budi Utama, Riesna Apramilda
Work Posture Analysis using the RULA and OWAS Methods in the Cement Packing Section at the Packing Plant Indarung Unit of PT. Semen Padang
Fatimah Fatimah, Cut Ita Erliana, Aulia Nisa Febriani, Chalirafi Chalirafi
The Relation between Body Mass Index and Hypotension Incidence in Caesarean Section Patients with Spinal Anesthesia Procedure
Clara Valentia Josephine, Suparto Suparto, Deadora Winata
Cosmetic Shop Sentiment Analysis on TikTok Shop Using the Support Vector Machine Method
Rahmawati Rahmawati, Wahyu Fuadi, Yesy Afrillia
Android-Based Drug Information Application Using Augmented Reality Technology
Muhammad Khalis, Dahlan Abdullah, Zalfie Ardian, Muhammad Abi Berkah Nadi, Meutia Nadia Karunia, Abdurrozzaq Hasibuan
Comparison of the Results of the Edas and Vikor Methods in the Decision Support System for KIP Scholarship Recipients at Malikussaleh University
Khairul Muzakkir Alwy Lubis, Bustami Bustami, Zahratul Fitri
Ari Hendarno, Andira Azzahra, Muhammad Eka Suryana
Compatibility Analysis of Metolachlor and Pendimethalin for Weed Control in Arabica Coffee Plants
Julfikar Julfikar, Jamidi Jamidi, Baidhawi Baidhawi