Heigh Detection System Using Russel and Rao Method

Jamaludin Hakim, Mursalim Tonggiroh, Siti Nurhayati, M. Ali Nur Hidayat, Andrian Sah


Height detection is an exciting area of research with broad applications in fields such as construction, healthcare, and robotics, where measurements are still often done manually. This research aims to automate the height calculation process by developing a height detection system using image processing techniques, which offers improved accuracy and efficiency. The system that will be built works by capturing images of objects through a webcam and using the Russel & Rao cluster analysis method to calculate height later. Borland Delphi 07 was chosen as the programming language because of its ability to handle image-processing tasks. This research draws on a thorough literature review of various books and articles, with the system operating in stages, starting with converting images to grayscale to simplify the data for more accessible analysis and then followed by applying Russel & Rao's method for height measurement. However, the system is sensitive to environmental factors around the object. The system will perform best when there are no other objects near the target because when there are other objects nearby, it can cause the measurement line to shift and interfere with the results. The detection system requires a controlled environment with no foreign objects nearby for optimal performance. Despite these limitations, Russel & Rao's analysis method achieved an accurate detection accuracy of approximately 65%, with three out of eight sample tests yielding correct measurements. While this shows room for improvement if more relevant research is to be done in the future, this system will build a strong foundation for further development in this field. Future enhancements could focus on refining the algorithm to increase detection accuracy, make the system more resilient in dynamic or cluttered environments, and expand its potential applications in various fields.


Height Detection, Image Processing, Russel & Rao Method, Borland Delphi 07, Detection Accuracy

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.52088/ijesty.v4i4.671

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Copyright (c) 2024 Jamaludin Hakim, Mursalim Tonggiroh, Siti Nurhayati, M. Ali Nur Hidayat, Andrian Sah

International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology (IJESTY) eISSN 2775-2674