Production Capacity Requirements Planning Using The Capacity Method Requirement Planning

Sidik Permana, Meri Andriani, Dewiyana Dewiyana


PT. ABC is a company engaged in the manufacture of Dolomite Fertilizer. The number of requests is greater than the amount of production. Due to fluctuations in the number of requests that tend to increase, this occurs due to a lack of capacity at the workstation. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the capacity requirements planning analysis for each work station to know the company's capacity needs. The research aims to identify the shortage/excess production capacity and provide proposals for the balance of production capacity at PT. A B C. Production capacity research was conducted using the Capacity Requirement Planning (CRP) method. Results and Discussion, comparison of available capacity and required capacity (load) are as follows, work station jaw crusher available capacity 36.74 hours/week while required capacity (load) 36 hours/week, work station bucket elevator available capacity 36, 74 hours/week while the required capacity (load) is 14.4 hours/week, work station ball mill available capacity is 36.74 hours/week while the required capacity (load) is 45.6 hours/week, and work station silo flour the available capacity is 36.74 hours/week while the required capacity (load) is 51.59 hours/week. In conclusion, two stations experience excess capacity, namely the jaw crusher work station with an excess capacity of 0.74 hours/week and the bucket elevator work station with an excess capacity of 22.34 hours/week. The other two work stations experienced a lack of capacity, namely the ball mill work station with a capacity shortage of 22.34 hours/week and the silo flour work station with a capacity shortage of 14.85 hours/week. Efforts to balance capacity by scheduling overtime and adding equipment (machinery) to work centers that lack capacity, so that the company's production targets are achieved.


Capacity, Capacity Requirement Planning, Industry, Production, Workstation

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Copyright (c) 2021 Sidik Permana, Meri Andriani, Dewiyana Dewiyana

International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology (IJESTY) eISSN 2775-2674