Clustering Agricultural Productivity by Type and Results Using K-Medoids Method in Districts North Aceh

Mutia Zahara, Wahyu Fuadi, Rini Meiyanti


This research aims to develop a web-based application that can cluster sub-districts in North Aceh District based on the type and yield of agricultural productivity, focusing on increasing the ease of visualization and data analysis by users. The method applied in this research is K-Medoids, a clustering technique used to group sub-districts based on high, medium, and low harvest levels. The application will use data from the North Aceh District Agriculture Office, covering 2021 to 2023, including various food crops such as rice, corn, peanuts, green beans, cassava, sweet potatoes, and soybeans. This research will analyze the sub-district name, type of agriculture, year of production, planting area, and harvest area to identify clusters of sub-districts with similar agricultural yield patterns. The system is developed using the PHP programming language to facilitate implementation and data access by stakeholders. As an evaluation tool for clustering results, the Davies-Bouldin Index (DBI) is used to measure the quality of clustering results. The results of this study are expected to provide insights into agricultural productivity in North Aceh District and assist policymakers in designing more effective strategies to increase agricultural yields, especially in low-yielding sub-districts. In addition, this application also provides an interactive platform for users to analyze agrarian data quickly and efficiently.


Clustering, Agricultural Productivity, K-Medoids, North Aceh District, Web Application.

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Copyright (c) 2025 Mutia Zahara, Wahyu Fuadi, Rini Meiyanti

International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology (IJESTY) eISSN 2775-2674