Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Technology-Based Learning Media at SD Negeri Kotagede 1 Yogyakarta
In the digital era, the field of education is witnessing the transformation that occurs through the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). With artificial intelligence's (AI) potential to revolutionize various sectors, it presents itself as a material or tool that can enhance the teaching and learning experience. Its features align with our thinking, enabling us to progress according to our desired content. Artificial intelligence (AI) is today's most important tool in education. Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role in enabling the use of AI-based learning media, thereby facilitating the learning process in education. Artificial intelligence (AI)--based learning media in education will aid teachers and students in learning. This study aims to provide insight to all of us regarding the implementation of learning media based on artificial intelligence (AI) technology at SD Negeri Kotagede 1 Yogyakarta. This study employs a descriptive-qualitative approach. In the current educational landscape, particularly at SD Negeri Kotagede 1 Yogyakarta, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role. Artificial intelligence (AI) can facilitate the learning process flow by using learning media based on artificial intelligence technology. Teachers can utilize artificial intelligence to design programs and learning processes, while students can enhance their comprehension of the material and cultivate their critical thinking skills. Implementing learning media based on artificial intelligence (AI) technology can benefit educational institutions in a more interesting, innovative, effective, and creative learning process.
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