Identification of Papaya Ripeness Using the Support Vector Machine Algorithm
Papaya is a tropical fruit that is commonly consumed and found in Indonesia. The ripeness level of papaya is typically assessed based on its colour. However, farmers and consumers often make mistakes identifying the fruit's ripeness. This research aims to design an application capable of determining the ripeness level of papaya based on colour images using Red, Green, Blue (RGB) and Hue, Saturation, Value (HSV) features and applying the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm for ripeness classification. The dataset consists of images of California papayas, with 150 samples. The outcome of this study is a digital image application that can classify papaya ripeness into three categories: raw, half-ripe, and fully ripe. The evaluation used 80% of the data for training and 20% for testing. The results show an accuracy of 80%. With this relatively high level of accuracy, it can be concluded that the SVM algorithm is reliable for classifying papaya ripeness levels of Papayas.
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